Sunday 25 August 2019

Chris McEleny Wannabe SNP wonderboy but just a IRA worshipping Gaslighter of False infromation and Deliberate Deceit

Chris McEleny Nationalist Gaslighter and IRA fan boy another low IQ Nationlist seen here only too happy to spend his whole life spreading deliberate Lies to Nationalism's "Useful Idiots".

Chris McEleny SNP Councillor here again deliberately spreading a false invented meme , why do Nationalists spend so much of their own time deliberately lying to the whole of Scotland ?

On the latest version of GERS, Scot Govs own compiled and published financial results the allocated defence spend in GERS is £3.305bn,  Our GDP is £180.4bn. So our defence spending is 1.83% of GDP, NOT 5.27%. This is simple Maths percentages. 

This meme is simply photoshopped false Propaganda , why do SNP Poltician's spend so much of their time deliberately lying to everyone around them with such blatant false propaganda  ?

Nobody deliberately lies to Scotland more than the SNP do.

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