Saturday, 7 December 2019

Richard Arkless SNP Deceivers of Scots for Dumfries and Galloway

The wife of an Ex and also a future prospective SNP Candidate Richard Arkless here deliberately spreading false propaganda on Social Media to try to enhance Her Husband's Career by deliberately lying to Scotland , or is she just simply completely stupid is after all a common trait within the SNP  

Scotland's finances are properly explained on the SNP Scottish Government's own Website and show that Scotland raises £62bn  (seen in Table S.3) but actually spends £75bn (seen in Table S.5) which show this Meme to be getting spread by a previous and prospective future SNP MP's Wife to be a complete false fake propaganda fabrication to try to mislead the Scottish Public with. Scotland's Published Financial results can be found here on the Scottish Government's own website


Another Invented Fake Meme below being deliberately spread by the Wife of an Ex and a prospective Future SNP MP Richard Arkless , what does this say about the SNP ? 

So what do the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon actually really say about GERS ? SNP's own Economist can be seen here speaking in Holyrood on GERS and backs them as 100% sound 

Yet another fake photoshopped Scottish Nationalist meme from the Wife of an Ex and prospective future SNP MP , there is no actual Honesty within the SNP "family" they will  spread any lie to try gain political power, are they really so stupid to think Scotland's Defence spending really greater then the USA's ?  Are they truly really that stupid ?  Do they really think everyone else is that stupid too ? 
On the latest version of GERS, Scot Govs own compiled and published financial results the allocated defence spend in GERS is £3.305bn,  Our GDP is £180.4bn. So our defence spending is 1.83% of GDP, NOT 5.27%. This is simple Maths percentages. 

Yet more Wings propaganda  being spread by the Wife of an Ex and  prospective future SNP MP Richard Arkless , another typical example of the type of propaganda the SNP insiders are happy to try to spread  to get their noses into the UK Government Westminster trough. 

Lets have a look at Wings right now calling for Nicola Sturgeon to be replaced 

So having read this fake propaganda spread by the Wife of an ex-SNP and current SNP Candidate ..are you stupid enough to believe their invented rubbish to Vote SNP yet ?

The SNP .. Better at Lying for Scotland 


Sunday, 25 August 2019

Chris McEleny Wannabe SNP wonderboy but just a IRA worshipping Gaslighter of False infromation and Deliberate Deceit

Chris McEleny Nationalist Gaslighter and IRA fan boy another low IQ Nationlist seen here only too happy to spend his whole life spreading deliberate Lies to Nationalism's "Useful Idiots".

Chris McEleny SNP Councillor here again deliberately spreading a false invented meme , why do Nationalists spend so much of their own time deliberately lying to the whole of Scotland ?

On the latest version of GERS, Scot Govs own compiled and published financial results the allocated defence spend in GERS is £3.305bn,  Our GDP is £180.4bn. So our defence spending is 1.83% of GDP, NOT 5.27%. This is simple Maths percentages. 

This meme is simply photoshopped false Propaganda , why do SNP Poltician's spend so much of their time deliberately lying to everyone around them with such blatant false propaganda  ?

Nobody deliberately lies to Scotland more than the SNP do.

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

SNP EX MP Natalie McGarrys past catches up with Her

"From the very beginning, McGarry appears to have been spinning yarns. She told her new friends she had a law degree, although she doesn’t appear to have graduated, and that her job involved helping third sector organisations apply for European funding (most believe she was unemployed).
Last week, Glasgow Sheriff Court court heard how she stole £26,500 from pro-independence organisations. At WFI, she transferred money raised through fundraising events into her personal bank accounts and failed to pass on donations to charities including Perth and Kinross food bank . She also used cheques drawn on the WFI bank account to deposit money into her own account"