Friday, 9 December 2016

Calum Kerr SNP MP Immature and shown wanting

This Tweet on social media should give an idea on how mature an adult Calum Kerr is, it further highlights something widely found wanting among many SNP MP's ...a high IQ , if they had one this sort of childishness would not be frequently evident for all to see. What was his former employment anyway ? He states "Consultant" idea what that is supposed to be, more might remember him as an Openreach engineer though.

I wonder how many former Tories voters are current SNP voters ?  Well time for them to think very carefully what they are voting for.


Calum showing his complete lack of maturity again, re-tweeting filth from Pete Wishart. How on earth did these people get elected ?

You can bet that Calum Kerr doesn't actually understand the "rape clause" only so named by the SNP so it could be used as a political weapon. Think hard about what sort of Political Party  deliberately  chooses to use rape to try to score political points ?

Solicitor questions recent fury over so-called ‘rape clause’ in reformed child tax credit legislation  for more info click this link.



SNP's real interest is in NOT representing Scotland at Westminster. SNP failures.


Thursday, 10 November 2016

SNP MP Brendan O Hara Tightfisted Remembrance Day Expenses claims

 SNP politicians who criticised UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia haves received  hospitality from a trade association whose members include arms firms who sell to the Saudis.

ADS Group members include BAE Systems and Raytheon. BAE Systems has helped train the Saudi Arabian air force and provided it with fighter jets.
Smart bombs with laser guided systems made by Raytheon in Scotland were linked to an alleged war crime in Yemen.
The SNP’s defence spokesperson Brendan O’Hara confirmed he was also present at the June dinner.
He said: “At [the ADS’s] suggestion, and I agreed it was a good idea, they hosted a dinner in order that some of their individual company representatives (BAE Systems, Rolls Royce and others) could speak to me and a number of other SNP MPs, who had a direct constituency interest in defence, directly.”

The SNP was criticised by the Scottish Greens recently after it emerged that Scotland’s enterprise agencies have given the defence industry £17m since 2007, despite the SNP’s public criticism of the arms trade.
When asked which other SNP MPs attended, neither Whitford’s spokesperson nor O’Hara responded.
Full article is here
This is petty and disgraceful tightfisted behaviour, nose well and truly in the trough.

"MPs ACCUSED 'low and disreputable' for claiming expenses at Remembrance Day services"
See the full article on this link here below


Tuesday, 8 November 2016

SNP MP Philippa Whitford Lied on Cancer Operations Wined and Dined by Bombmakers

Absolutely disgusting behaviour. There is no level the SNP will stoop to in order lie to Scots to get elected, even worse the sheer number of useful idiots that believe their every word.
An SNP politician who criticised UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia has received more than £400 worth of hospitality from a trade association whose members include arms firms who sell to the Saudis.
Philippa Whitford, MP for Central Ayrshire, attended three dinners at the expense of the ADS Group, a trade association which represents companies in the ‘aerospace, defence, security and space’ sectors.
ADS Group members include BAE Systems and Raytheon. BAE Systems has helped train the Saudi Arabian air force and provided it with fighter jets.
Smart bombs with laser guided systems made by Raytheon in Scotland were linked to an alleged war crime in Yemen.

In February 2016, Whitford attended the ADS Group’s annual dinner in London’s Park Lane Hilton hotel while protesters outside condemned the role of the British government and arms companies for Saudi Arabia’s bombing of Yemen.
As well as attending the above two dinners, Whitford received a £36 ticket to the Farnborough International Airshow in July. She also received a £180 ticket to the Confederation of British Industry Scotland’s annual dinner in September, both at the ADS group’s expense.
Full article can be read here
"Surgeon fronting the Yes campaign on the NHS is exposed for spreading bogus claims about cancer treatment" 

"MEDICS at one of the UK’s top cancer hospitals are furious with Dr Philippa Whitford- after she wrongly claimed a privatisation agenda is forcing them to consider cancelling cancer operations.
THE surgeon fronting the Yes campaign on the NHS is today exposed for spreading bogus claims about cancer treatment.
Dr Philippa Whitford had become the public face of the SNP’s campaign to convince voters the NHS is under threat of privatisation.
But medical staff at one of the UK’s top cancer hospitals in Newcastle are furious with her - after she wrongly claimed a privatisation agenda is forcing them to consider cancelling cancer operations.

The furious boss of the hospital yesterday condemned her claims as “codswallop” and “a load of crap”.  Full article can be read by clicking here  

SNP MP Angus Robertson A waste of space at Westminster and scaremongering on Kinloss Closure

This of course is a well known Nationalist trait, when you have nothing else worthwhile to say just scaremonger  "Angus Robertson urged to apologise for “whipping up rumours” about Kinloss closure "

Angus now doesn't agree with his previous statements on GERS , I wonder why ?

Saturday, 5 November 2016

SNP MP Martin Docherty

Yet another SNP MP misinforming Scots on UK defence work on Ships to be built on the Clyde , the Actual contract was placed for more Ships to be built than was originally talked of .

Martin Docherty is either very stupid or deliberately trying to mislead/confuse. Scot Gov make it very clear on their own website .Whisky Export Tax simply does NOT exist .
See on this link

More on the "Whisky Export Tax" invented lie  can be found by clicking here.  


SNP MP John Nicolson Sefl Worshipping Narcissist

John Nicolson caught lying on TV yet again


How did this idiot ever get elected watch him digging a hole for himself yet again , the man is no more than a bumbling fool who spends his life desperately trying to be on TV all  the time

SNP MP who attacks others as "lazy" is bottom of league for written questions (why should we be surprised ?)

"A NATIONALIST MP who habitually criticizes others for being “lazy” has the worst record for asking written questions of any of his 2015 contemporaries.

SNP culture spokesman John Nicolson has tabled just three questions to the government since being elected MP for East Dunbartonshire, or roughly one every six months.
The average for the SNP’s ‘Class of 2015’ is 76 written parliamentary questions (PQs), while three SNP MPs have tabled more than 200 PQs since their election.

But yet....

Monday, 17 October 2016

Angus McNeil SNP MP spreading rubbish on social media

Anus McNeill quoting the disgraced Self Propagandist Tax Advisor Murphy

 Click here to read the Whole article SNP MP McNeil interveiwed on Putin's Propaganda Channel 

This from stupid Angus MacNeil who  works at Westminster ? A complete idiot.

======================================================================== Angus spreading this sort of  rubbish once again. An MP you say ? Ah SNP MP. 

Angus MacNeil has been caught spreading ridiculous rubbish on Social media, this is supposed to be "an informed MP not a stupid teenager but Angus proves he is clueless over and over again.

The whole article can be read by clicking here
Angus has a habit of just making complete rubbish up and spreading it on Social media. A complete clown.


Angus Tweeting on Racism in the 1930's 

 The link goes to this image below. Hard to believe this clown is an MP (SNP MP !).
Original link is here



Angus doesn't even understand difference between Nationalism and Nationalisation ?


Thursday, 6 October 2016

SNP MP Corri Wilson employed both her two children on WM expenses

Full troughing marks to SNP MP Corri Wilson, who has only been in Westminster for a year yet has managed to get both her son and daughter on the public payroll. She’s hired her wee bairns Kieran and Shannon as“personal assistants” on taxpayer-funded salaries of up to £34,000 each. A handy top up to mum’s £75,000 salary, sending the Wilson household income from the taxpayer well into six figures. No doubt a full, open interview process was carried out.

See all and comment section here 

Evidence of more Troughing from Corri Wilson, only in Politics to line her pockets 


Full info here 
SNP MP's making the most of Taxpayers funds for their own ends 
More relations of the Wilson clan now trying to get their noses into the trough , nepotism is rife inside  the SNP, a party rotten to the core.

The future son-in-law of MP Corri Wilson has been accused of jibing he was the ‘RA on tour’ during a holiday trip. 

How on earth can a "Well known Irish Republican" get through the SNP vetting process ? Did he get help from future Family members putting pressure on others ?


Corri Wilsons Son in Law right here !!!  Now an SNP Councillor .